Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Through the Years...

Back in the days of film cameras....(I  know some people still use them, but where do you even buy film anymore?)...I had to be careful about how many pictures I took.  So as I sift through all my old pictures many times I find that I only took one or two pictures of something--especially if it was just pictures on a random day and not some special event.  A pile of these random pictures is how I came up with this idea for a fun page about the boys using pictures that didn't really go together and were, in fact, not even taken at close to the same time.

The cut outs that I used on these page are really cute but I have no idea what brand they are or what store might carry them.  The page is very simple--I just used the cutouts and plain card stock for the most part.  I do have some brads and and I used foam tape on the squares to make them raised, but other than that it's a pretty basic page.

The little airplane is raised up on pop dots and I attached the sign with eyelets and string so it would look like the plane is pulling it.

The fun part about this page is the journaling.  I got this idea from someone else online, so I can't take credit, but I will share.  

On each picture (you might be able to see it if you look hard) there is a number that corresponds to the journaling block.  The pictures all have a basic theme of the boys being together, so they fit with the cutout theme about boys,  but because all the pictures were taken at various times, I decided I really wanted to keep track of dates and places.  So my journal strip has numbers with the dates and a blurb about the picture.  It was a great way to combine many different activities into one layout!

I've been wanting to work on more of these random pictures lately, so maybe another page like this is going to be in the works soon...

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