Friday, February 14, 2014

I Love Toontown!

I have to give credit where credit is due, and say that this page was my sister Lori's idea, and it was a good one!  To understand the concept, you have to not only be familiar with Toontown at Disneyland but also Toontown the online game (that has now, sadly, disappeared).

Our kids were all Toontown Online players, and (confession time...) I must admit that so was I...sometimes until late into the night.  All of us absolutely loved the game, and if you never got a chance to play or watch your kids play, you can't possibly understand just how precious it was. For those that aren't familiar, basically you would take on the roll of a little cute animal that makes little cute animal noises and runs around Toontown defeating "cogs" by using gags on them, like throwing a pie, squirting them with flowers, or dropping a safe on them.  If the cogs defeat you, you don't get sad.

After starting to play the game, every time I went to Toontown at Disneyland it's all I could see.  So as the kids were running around being silly and we were taking pictures, story lines involving the online game continued to come to mind.  At first we were thinking something like a comic strip, and when we printed the pictures we added balloons with words to many of the pictures that created a story.  And then this page was born...again, thanks to my sister.  A newspaper!

This page was so much fun to create because it was completely different from anything I've ever done!  I am not a digital scrapbooker at all, but all of it was done on the computer and printed out.  The little pictures in the body of the newspaper are all screenshots from the game itself and the pictures of individual toons are our kids' characters.  If you'll notice the little picture of the toons with hunched shoulders just under the title--that's what you look like when you're sad...and that is my favorite of all the little pictures we got from the game.

These little tags have "eyewitness accounts", just like a newspaper might have.  The three characters quoted are our girls' characters.  It was fun to come up with puns that played right into the game and it's great elements.

The best thing about this page to me now, is not only did I preserve the great fun we had at Disneyland, but I was also able to capture the enormous (and years' worth) of fun we had playing the game online--which is especially important now that the game is gone.  Goodybye, Little Bubbles Bumpenmuddle, I will miss you!

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