Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Little Seamstress

A couple of years ago I signed my daughter up for sewing classes during the summer at a local fabric store.  It was SO MUCH FUN to watch her learning to sew, first on paper following the lines, and then on the actual fabric.  She got to make a pillow and a pair of pajama pants.  Sometimes I think sewing is almost becoming a lost art, and I myself am not much of a seamstress.  Her projects turned out adorable and I was so glad I had my camera there to capture the moments.

I very rarely go to the store looking for supplies for a specific page--more likely I will buy things just because they are cute and then hope eventually I will have a use for them.  So imagine my surprise when I found this paper that looked like an old fashioned sewing pattern!  The paper was part of a giant Fancy Pants pack I bought quite a long time ago, and kind of proves that no matter what, you can probably always find a use for anything cute that you pick up.

These letters were made with the Mini Monogram cartridge--so cute and the stitching fits perfectly!  The felt pieces also came from Fancy Pants and seemed appropriate on a page about sewing.  I used the Cricut Design Studio software to make the word "talented" with the Opposites Attract cartridge--I welded it together to make it one connected word.  The Cricut Craftroom has taken the place of the Design Studio software, but I haven't tried it yet.  Hopefully it's more user friendly than the software has been.

I love to fit as many photos on a page as I can and still be able to add fun embellishments, so small pictures are always a must.  These photos are actually 2" x 2".  Big enough to see what's going on without taking over the page.  Since they were the shots of her actually working I wanted to include them.  One of these days I will do a post about how I resize my photos for printing to optimize space and save money. 

This page is an example of why I really love to scrapbook...capturing the day to day moments that  pass all too quickly!  

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